“Cannabis is my passion, my bread, my home. I feel it is my duty to make sure this amazing plant is preserved and enjoyed. I am a smoker, a grower, a breeder, and a strain hunter. For life.”
Franco, the Strain Hunter
May 20th 1974 – January 2nd 2017
About the franco loja foundation
Franco is an icon and helped change so many people’s lives. On his last trip to Africa he contracted Cerebral Malaria and passed away quietly after a short but severe illness. His work and passion for the cannabis plant helped change the world’s view and his legacy will live on for generations to come.
Franco’s high risk, fast paced “full gas” career was only just taking off. He had invested all of his time, money and passion into building up a future for himself and his children, while helping other people in places like DR Congo. His children were everything to him, and he was an amazing father. Unfortunately at the time of his death, he had not yet made significant financial gains that would be sufficient support his children growing up and receiving an education. Personal circumstances and business expenses leave his children with a small debt that will be deducted from a small life insurance claim that still needs to be approved.
The Franco Loja Foundation is a fund held by Stichting Strain Hunters Foundation with the purpose of securing university tuition fees and general cost of living.
expenses for Franco Loja’s children Dion and Devin Lojacono until they graduate. Money is collected from donations from friends, fans, partners, businesses and organisations. The Foundation also generates money for the fund by selling products related to Franco Loja, and by collecting royalties from licensees that sell products with or related to the Franco Loja Trade Mark. Stichting Strain Hunters Foundation is responsible for the fund until Devin & Dion are adults. Until then the following persons represent the Franco Loja Foundation and control the fund:
Heiko Hampsink – Treasurer
Simon Sperring – Secretary
Jelle Klein – Chairman
Franco Loja Foundation Fund
Stichting Strain Hunters Foundation
Registered in Amsterdam, Netherlands
KvK: 617 603 66
Bank info for donations:
Stichting Strain Hunters Foundation
IBAN: NL19 ABNA 0476 7467 79

In 2007 Franco fell in love with Africa and its people. His love for the plant and people that worked with it earned him immense love and respect right back from Africa and Africans. After 150 flights in 2016 he still decided to travel to Congo again despite incredibly dangerous political meltdown that was happening at the time he was there. The saddest part of this story is that Franco objective was to assist locals in developing a medicinal landrace oil specifically for treating malaria! Ironically, the World’s biggest marijuana icon ended his life due to brain malaria fighting for the poorest people.
Franco will be remembered as the most passionate dedicated and knowledgeable person that our industry has ever had.